Ask the Universe

I’m a great believer in asking the Universe, God, Spirit, whatever you call Her, for what I want.  It’s what got me here to Hawai’i, it’s what allowed me to retire early, and many other smaller things.  What I haven’t appreciated is that it works for whatever you put out there, whether explicitly requested or not.

On Friday I came down with a horrid cold.  I haven’t been this sick in two years.  I even missed church this morning, sleeping until 8:30, long past my usual rising time of 5:45.  Why did this happen?  I wasn’t around anyone with a cold.  As I ruminated on this question, I thought about an email I had sent my sister Grace on Friday:

I haven’t made Christmas cookies or candy in years.  Maybe I should start up again.  I have to look for the rock cookie recipe.  Those cookies will put me right in touch with Daddy – he loved them.  And I really have to start making the Vanochka again – so many good memories of Mom and Grandma making their Czech Christmas bread. 

I don’t feel like doing much of anything right now.  I woke up from my nap with a big head cold – stuffy nose that has only gotten worse as evening settles in.   It manifested itself as full blown immediately: sneezing, coughing, aching muscles, and runny nose.

Right now I’m listening to the Christmas Carolers in Downtown Honoka’a – from my living room.  The Honoka’a Business Association arranged for different performers to come every Friday in December.   We are going to “open” our St Nick stockings tonight and watch a movie I got on clearance last winter – “Miracle on 34th Street.”  I love that movie.  Now if I can only get “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “White Christmas,” my Christmas movie collection will be complete.  We watch “The Grinch” (both of them), and “The Christmas Story” with Ralphie every year.

I remember what we got in our St. Nick stockings.  It was all food: oranges, peanuts in the shell, and popcorn balls; none of the tchotchkes we give today.  Do you remember how lucky we felt having Christmas twice (from a kid’s perspective – getting stuff!).  I always felt sorry for the kids who didn’t come from a German or Czech heritage and who didn’t celebrate St. Nick.  I always wondered why he came to us and not to them – I figured they had been bad that year.

Maybe I’ll get a few balls on the tree tonight while we watch the movie, but probably not.  I did get the Advent wreath and Chinese Crèche out and the other one stays out all year.  I also got the red lights strung around the white living room bookcase.  It’s always interesting to see what I come across as I go through the boxes.

As I look back on it, I’m pretty sure my subconscious was telling the Universe that I was over-doing it.  I’m not quite finished with the big push to paint my bedroom (and finally get to all the unopened boxes sitting in that closet since the move).  Then I got Kim and Thomas to tackle The Honey-do list, but that kept me busy too.

Now I have the house Christmas decorating to tackle, and I’ve been contemplating starting up the Christmas baking again, because here I am, telling Grace about it.  I ran around everywhere last week finding just the right tchotchkes for BG’s, and the girls’ St. Nick stockings.  (I decided that this was the year to stop buying stuff for my own stocking – let St. Nick fill it.)  And I had tons of other stuff to do last week, some of it pleasurable, but still filling my calendar.

Yes, even in Paradise, I was overwhelmed.  This email was a cry for help to get in touch with what is important.   So WHAM, the Universe sent me this cold to slow me down.  Now I have time to reflect on what is truly important in my life.  And that is family, my relationship with God, friends, my health, our financial stability, the roots I’m putting down here and God’s gift of my ability to write.

The tree may stay naked except for the lights – a new fashion statement.  I likely will not be baking.  But I will take time to be grateful for everything I have in my life. Chinese Creche

It was quiet when I got up this morning; everyone else was at church.  I found my stocking sitting at my favorite chair.  Funny, I had hung it up.  I picked it up – there was something in it!  Out came two bars of primo chocolate, and a two disc DVD set called Classic Christmas Collection: “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “White Christmas!”  I swear I didn’t tell anyone else about my desire for both of these movies besides Grace.  And to find both in one collection – I was stunned.   What a sweet way to start off my quiet Sunday with nothing to do but be grateful.


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About Diane Scheurell

I'm a writer and author. Check out my book, Manifesting Paradise on Amazon, and my blog, I talk about Hawaii and the transformation tools I used to achieve my dreams.
This entry was posted in asking the Universe, German and Czech heritage, gratitude, Holidays and festivals. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Ask the Universe

  1. Nancy Pozorski says:

    I didn’t tell anyone in your family. She works in mysterious ways.

  2. Stacy Disney says:

    Hey sister, even retirees need to rest… from??? Retirement and teenagers.
    Guess the rooster didn’t wake you up this morning… that is good. You are in the only place with carolers, fyi. That is so cool. Waimea does not have carolers. Breathe in the smell of your xmas tree, it will be dropping it’s needles in no time and be crispy in 2 weeks. Part of life here in a world of 80 degrees and sunshine… we put artificial pine sticks around the house to remind us of that tree smell.
    Get well soon. Drink sicky time tea- we found KTA has Cold & Flu Time tea (purple box) helps alot. Stop by Monday and I will give you a few bags to try.

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